Aksys Games, pioneers of the visual novel genre (Zero Escape series) introduces Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters, a new strategy adventure game that mixes a thrilling storyline with RPG mechanics and card battle mini games. Become part of a group of teenage ghost hunters and exorcise evil spirits! Blending revolutionary comic and anime visuals with real world backgrounds and unique gameplay, Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters will thrill hardcore gamers with its stunning style and challenging mechanics!
More Than Just a Visual Novel - Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters offers two modes: a story and battle. Each episode (13 total) is comprised of one of each. Choose wisely, as each decision you make in either mode will decide your fate!
Stunning Visuals - Developer ToyBox revolutionizes character design with an innovative graphic style that gives characters a beautiful, free-flowing feel - adding to the eery atmosphere of the game.
Innovative Battle System - During battle mode, Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters turns into a turn-based RPG, where players can use magic, weapons and items to battle and exorcise ghosts!
Choose Your Path - As you progress, Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters provides a revolutionary "five senses" system that changes the story depending on which sense you choose!